Discover the lost histories of the Americas from ancient Peru to present-day New York.
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Erasing Art: Rauschenberg’s Erased de Kooning drawing
Metaphorically therefore, it could be argued that Rauschenberg was erasing not just a drawing, but this very idea of artistic, masculine authorship.
A Landmark Decision: Penn Station, Grand Central, and the architectural heritage of NYC
This stunning building was replaced with a hated underground station—now New York protects its landmarks.
Seneca Village: the lost history of African Americans in New York
The long forgotten residents of Seneca Village were evicted to make way for Central Park.
Cultural heritage at risk: Peru
Peru was a cradle of civilization, but even now their cultural heritage is under constant threat.
Cultural heritage at risk: United States
Vast federal lands, private ownership, and a hungry art market make heritage protection a challenge.
What the bulldozers left behind: reclaiming Sicán’s past
Grave robbing destroyed much of the archaeological context in Sicán—can what remains unlock the past?
Mesa Verde and the preservation of Ancestral Puebloan heritage
Archaeological sites are under constant threat from human and natural forces.
Unearthing the Aztec past, the destruction of the Templo Mayor
The Spanish destroyed the main Aztec temple: an expression of spiritual and political conquest.