At the Georgia Museum of Art, Athens

Can't get to the museum? Explore the Georgia Museum of Art's collection with these videos and essays

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Richard Mayhew, <em>Indigenous Spiritual Space</em>
Richard Mayhew, Indigenous Spiritual Space

Explosions of color signify a landscape, real or imagined

Norman Lewis, <em>Untitled</em>
Norman Lewis, Untitled

Lewis leaves behind the figure for abstracted fragments at the end of World War II

Charles Sebree, <i>The Mystic</i>
Charles Sebree, The Mystic

Charles Sebree expresses his inner self in The Mystic.

Winslow Homer, <em>Taking Sunflower to Teacher</em>
Winslow Homer, Taking Sunflower to Teacher

Painted during Reconstruction, this sentimental watercolor depicts the hope of transformation and possibility.

Thelma Johnson Streat, <i>Girl with Bird</i>
Thelma Johnson Streat, Girl with Bird

Is the bird real or imagined?

Vertis Hayes, <i>Juke Joint</i>
Vertis Hayes, Juke Joint

This swaying juke joint belies its purpose as a central meeting place enlivened by music and dance in many African American communities.

Stefanie Jackson, <em>Bluest Eye</em>
Stefanie Jackson, Bluest Eye

Taking its name from Toni Morrison's debut novel, this painting shows the clash of innocence and the adult violence of bigotry and hatred.

Ben Shahn, <em>Contemporary American Sculpture</em>
Ben Shahn, Contemporary American Sculpture

Ben Shahn's painting asks: Who belongs in the art world?

Vertis Hayes, <em>The Lynchers</em>
Vertis Hayes, The Lynchers

A horrifying painting of racial violence that can help us see where we are and where we need to be in terms of tolerance and empathy