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Nitza Tufiño, <em>Pareja Taína (Taíno Couple)</em>
Nitza Tufiño, Pareja Taína (Taíno Couple)

Taíno iconography is cleverly incorporated throughout Tufiño's painting of a couple.

Wangguli and five additional Newar artists, <em>Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Cycle</em>
Wangguli and five additional Newar artists, Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Cycle

Each perfectly geometric, these mandalas are a graphic representation of the Buddhist conception of the cosmos.

<em>Stories of Previous Lives of the Buddha (Jataka)</em>
Stories of Previous Lives of the Buddha (Jataka)

The painted tales of the Buddha's former lives are meant to inspire the pursuit of a more conscious and meritorious life.

Tibetan Buddhist Shrine Room (Kagyu tradition iteration)
Tibetan Buddhist Shrine Room (Kagyu tradition iteration)

There are many traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, and this Shrine Room represents the Kagyu.

Choying Dorje (attributed), <em>Green Tara</em>
Choying Dorje (attributed), Green Tara

A goddess of compassion, Tara is one of the most popular deities in Tibetan Buddhism and across the Himalayas.

<em>Mountain God Kula Khari</em>
Mountain God Kula Khari

Depicted as a Tibetan warrior, the god Kula Khari protects the land and Buddhist faith.

<em>Durga Killing the Buffalo Demon (Durga Mahisasuramardini)</em>
Durga Killing the Buffalo Demon (Durga Mahisasuramardini)

This gilded sculpture tells the story of how the goddess Durga brought order to the universe.

Tsherin Sherpa, <em>Muted Expressions</em>
Tsherin Sherpa, Muted Expressions

Using traditional Nepalese metalworking techniques, Sherpa creates a distinctly contemporary sculpture.

Marcos Dimas, <em>Lolita Lebrón: Puerto Rican Freedom Fighter</em>
Marcos Dimas, Lolita Lebrón: Puerto Rican Freedom Fighter

Dimas' screenprint elevates Puerto Rican activist Lolita Lebrón to iconic status.


Through the creation of arpilleras, women spoke out against the violence of the Pinochet dictatorship.

Muriel Hasbun, <em>X post facto (6.7)</em>
Muriel Hasbun, X post facto (6.7)

Hasbun's photograph of an X-ray is deeply laden with meaning and tragedy.

Genesis Báez, <em>Crossing Time</em>
Genesis Báez, Crossing Time

Báez’s photograph poetically expresses the tie between the artist and her origins.