Periods, Cultures, Styles  > Babylonian


The style and culture of the region of Babylonia in southern Mesopotamia and the city of Babylon known for the Tower of Babel, the Hanging Gardens, and Belshazzar’s Feast. Chronology: c. 1894–c.1595 B.C.E. Early Babylonian Empire (Hammurabi, etc.) interceding rule by Kassites, Elamites, etc. c. 1155–c. 1026 B.C.E. Dynasty IV (Nebuchadnezzar I) interceding rule by Kassites, Chaldeans, Neo-Assyrians, etc. c. 620–c. 539 B.C.E. Neo-Babylonian Empire (Nebuchadnezzar II) after c.539 B.C.E. the Achaemenid Empire