Periods, Cultures, Styles > Modernisms
“Modern” is as much an idea as it is a time period. During the early 20th century, artists in Europe, Russia, the United States and elsewhere, continued the 19th-century rejection of traditional standards in art, and adopted instead novel and increasingly subjective strategies to respond to a society increasingly defined by rapid changes in industrial technology, science, transportation, and communication. Styles in art too were seen to be rapidly evolving, and often became increasing abstract. These trends (Expressionism, Futurism, Cubism, etc.), frequently adopted elements from historical traditions (often in colonized countries) that were understood as primitive but valued for their perceived authenticity. Art during the 20th century became increasingly focused on process and its meaning rather than representation.
Works of Art

El Anatsui, Old Man’s Cloth, 2011, bottle caps, material, material (The Metropolitan Museum of Art)