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Glendalys Medina, Atabey
Atabey, the ancestral mother of the Taíno, is reinterpreted in Medina's carefully constructed work.
Richard Mayhew, Indigenous Spiritual Space
Explosions of color signify a landscape, real or imagined
Lee Ufan
To behold a painting or sculpture by the Korean artist and philosopher Lee Ufan is to feel suspended in a single breath longer than seems biologically possible.
Jack Whitten on Mapping the Soul
"As an abstract painter, I work with things that I cannot see," says Jack Whitten.
Mariko Mori, Pure Land
In her immersive dreamscapes, Mori transforms the celestial attendants of Buddhist art into pastel-colored aliens.
Bruce Nauman, The True Artist Helps the World by Revealing Mystic Truths
Using the medium of mass culture, Nauman brought high-brow questions about the role of art to broader society.
Bill Viola, The Crossing
Viola’s multi-channel video installations experiment with meditative states and the manipulation of time.