Anishinaabe Outfit
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Question 1 |
Which country was an ally of the Anishinaabe Indians of the Great Lakes region at the time this outfit was made?
A | The Chippewa |
B | The French |
C | The United States |
D | The British |
Question 2 |
Which material used in the Anishinaabe outfit was sourced from North America?
A | The deer hide used to make the belt pouch |
B | The glass beads used in the necklace |
C | The steel needles used to sew the outfit |
D | The cotton fabric used to make the shirt |
Question 3 |
Which statement best supports the theory that this outfit was made as a gift for the British officer Andrew Foster?
A | The outfit was made with materials that highlight the Anishinaabe’s trade with Great Britain |
B | Trading uniforms and outfits was a way of showing mutual respect between the Anishinaabe and their allies |
C | The patterns and embellishments are symbolic indications of a British owner |
D | The excellent condition of the outfit suggests that it was rarely, if ever, worn |
Question 4 |
Which was a primary cause of the boundary dispute between the British and the United States in the Great Lakes region in the 1790s?
A | The question whether these territories would join the U.S. as free or slave states |
B | The alliance of the British with native cultures of the Great Lakes region |
C | The desire to capture British Loyalists who had fled after the Revolutionary War |
D | The strategic position of the region to control valuable trade routes
Question 5 |
Which element of the outfit contributes to a distinctive tinkling sound when worn?
A | The iridescent porcupine quills on the moccasins |
B | The brooches on the outfit and the metal cones on the moccasins and elsewhere
C | The deer hair tassels that hang from the headdress and mocassins |
D | The eagle feathers and feather sticks that decorate the headdress |
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