videos + essays

Botticelli, Portrait of a Man with a Medal of Cosimo il Vecchio de’ Medici
Touch an artwork? Sandro Botticelli’s Portrait of a Man with a Medal helped viewers to think about touch and physical experience.

Donatello, Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata
The secrets of large-scale casting were lost for a thousand years, but bronze horses were no sweat for Donatello.

Fra Fillippo Lippi, Portrait of a Man and Woman at a Casement
Who said beauty is skin deep? In the Renaissance, good looks and pale skin signaled interior virtue and purity.

Raphael, Portrait of Pope Julius II
A florin for your thoughts, Pope. As the aging patron sits musing, he clenches his teeth and grips a handkerchief.

Leonardo, Mona Lisa
Seductive—or maternal? Smiling—or just smug? Sure, we all know this woman, but we’ve yet to figure her out.