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Tracey Emin, <em>My Bed</em>
Tracey Emin, My Bed

In the 1990s, as artists searched for new alternatives, many considered conceptual art of the 1970s an unfinished project.

Marc Quinn, <em>Self</em>
Marc Quinn, Self

This work is an example of provocation with a purpose.

Hans Haacke, <em>Seurat’s “Les Poseuses” (small version), 1884-1975</em>
Hans Haacke, Seurat’s “Les Poseuses” (small version), 1884-1975

Haacke documents the provenance of a Seurat sketch held in a bank vault to lay bare the commodification of art.

The YBAs: The London-based Young British Artists
The YBAs: The London-based Young British Artists

This loosely formed group of artists enlivened London’s contemporary art scene in the 1990s.

Damien Hirst, <em>The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living</em>
Damien Hirst, The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living

Though this looks like an exhibit in a natural history museum, Hirst’s subject comes straight from art history.

Chris Ofili, <em>The Holy Virgin Mary</em>
Chris Ofili, The Holy Virgin Mary

Why did the mayor of New York City threaten to close the museum exhibiting Ofili’s painting of the Virgin Mary?

Jeff Koons, <em>Pink Panther</em>
Jeff Koons, Pink Panther

Koons’ cartoonish life-size emblems of childhood innocence are an assault upon both sincerity and taste.

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