c. 1400–1500 C.E.
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The statue of Saint George in Prague
This equestrian statue skillfully combines East-Central European Gothic style with Italian sculptural composition.
The “Hileq and Bileq” Haggadah
Filled with playful images and captions, the Hileq and Bileq Haggadah delighted its fifteenth-century users much as it continues to do today.
Cahir Castle, Ireland
This quintessential medieval castle features a dry moat, defensive towers, and murder holes
Saint George and the Dragon, Storkyrkan Stockholm
A massive, over-life-sized sculptural group of St. George and the Dragon in the City Church of St. Nicholas, Stockholm reads like a fairy tale.
Michael Pacher, St. Wolfgang Altarpiece
This “total work of art” unites sculpture, painting, and architecture—and connects real space to a visionary realm.
Hermen Rode, Saints Nicholas and Victor Altarpiece
The Saints Nicholas and Victor Altarpiece stands as a rare example of a high altarpiece that remains in its original location since its installation in 1481.