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The statue of Saint George in Prague
The statue of Saint George in Prague

This equestrian statue skillfully combines East-Central European Gothic style with Italian sculptural composition.

The “Hileq and Bileq” Haggadah
The “Hileq and Bileq” Haggadah

Filled with playful images and captions, the Hileq and Bileq Haggadah delighted its fifteenth-century users much as it continues to do today.

Cahir Castle, Ireland
Cahir Castle, Ireland

This quintessential medieval castle features a dry moat, defensive towers, and murder holes

<em>Saint George and the Dragon</em>, Storkyrkan Stockholm
Saint George and the Dragon, Storkyrkan Stockholm

A massive, over-life-sized sculptural group of St. George and the Dragon in the City Church of St. Nicholas, Stockholm reads like a fairy tale.

Michael Pacher, <em>St. Wolfgang Altarpiece</em>
Michael Pacher, St. Wolfgang Altarpiece

This “total work of art” unites sculpture, painting, and architecture—and connects real space to a visionary realm.

Hermen Rode, <em>Saints Nicholas and Victor Altarpiece</em>
Hermen Rode, Saints Nicholas and Victor Altarpiece

The Saints Nicholas and Victor Altarpiece stands as a rare example of a high altarpiece that remains in its original location since its installation in 1481. 

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