Realism in the United States took a hard look at the nation's political and social conditions.
c. 1930 - 1945
Realism in the United States took a hard look at the nation's political and social conditions.
c. 1930 - 1945
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Pippin's dreamlike painting pairs a vision of biblical paradise with vignettes that recall the violence of the World Wars.
This private scene of Jewish family life is considered one of the essential works of Jewish American art.
Gashes in the land and a scarecrow crucifix speak to the environmental crisis of the Dust Bowl
A dream-like flooded landscape—does is suggest bleakness or hope?
Woodruff reimagines racist tropes of Black banjo players with a figure who is confident and joyful.
This swaying juke joint belies its purpose as a central meeting place enlivened by music and dance in many African American communities.
A horrifying painting of racial violence that can help us see where we are and where we need to be in terms of tolerance and empathy
Contemporary artist discusses Horace Pippin as a so-called "outsider" artist and the importance of his perspective into every-day American life
An explosion in a mine kills 111, Shahn captures the devastation of those left behind.