Many artists in the late 19th century broke from naturalistic representation and sought visual equivalents to poetry and music.
c. 1880 - 1910
Many artists in the late 19th century broke from naturalistic representation and sought visual equivalents to poetry and music.
c. 1880 - 1910
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Ensor earns his title as “the painter of masks” with this intriguing work.
As you look closer, Ensor’s chaotic abstraction transforms into a dynamic battle scene between good and evil.
Moreau paints with brilliant jewel-like colors, and everywhere we look the figures seem filled with Melancholy.
By the early 1930s, Broncia Koller’s career was lost to art history, despite her extraordinary artistic talent and insight.
If visitors know one thing about Barcelona before boarding a plane, it is the surname of the city’s most celebrated architect, Antoni Gaudí
Learn more about this symbolist painter's enigmatic depictions of one of his favorite subjects—Salome.
The painting mocks humanity, as well as human beliefs and institutions, both civic and religious.
Through their many forms of artistic production the Nabis expanded art into all areas of life.
Symbolist artists embraced the spiritual significance of art while rejecting science and objectivity.
Inspired by the sheen of ancient Roman and Syrian glass, Tiffany created startling, modern objects.
Only three inches high, Tiffany captures an ephemeral moment in nature with the most sumptuous materials.