Right in the heart of Mexico City: the Aztec Temple destroyed by the Spanish. And if you can't get there in person, virtually explore the museum with Smarthistory as your guide.
Some background
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Link to the Templo Mayor Museum's website

Eagle Warrior (Mexica)
The goal of the eagle warrior was to capture the greatest number of captives, who would then be sacrificed to the Mexica gods. All warriors rose in rank according to the number of captives they acquired.

Monolith of Tlaltecuhtli (Earth Lord)
Capable of being male or female, the Earth Lord Tlaltecuhtli is shown here as a woman who has given birth.

Tlaloc vessel
This vessel represents the goggle-eyed deity associated with rain and crops, critical for the agricultural Aztecs.

Olmec mask (offering 20 from the Templo Mayor)
This was buried in an offering at an Aztec temple, some 1500 years later and far from where it was made.

Coyolxauhqui Monolith
The family drama that lead to Coyolxauhqui’s dismemberment represented here has great soap opera potential.

The Templo Mayor and the Coyolxauhqui Stone
When the Spaniards arrived here, they were amazed by the architecture—but it didn’t stop them from destroying it.