c. 2500 B.C.E.–350 C.E.
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What is ancient Nubia and the Kingdom of Kush?
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Pylon of the Nubian Lion Temple at Naga
The pylon of the Lion Temple in Naga projects an image of husband and wife reigning as equals, a common feature of Nubian governance.

Pyramids of Sudan
Since Antiquity, the hill of Gebel Barkal has been strongly associated with religious traditions and folklore.

King Piye and the Kushite control of Egypt
In 716 B.C.E. Kushite king Piye died and was buried in an Egyptian style pyramid tomb at El-Kurru

Ancient Nubia and the Kingdom of Kush, an introduction
Sudan is home to the oldest sub-Saharan African kingdom, the kingdom of Kush.

Meroitic period of the Kingdom of Kush
Throughout the Meroitic period Egyptian elements introduced into Kushite royal burial practices under the early Napatan kings were retained and reinterpreted

Head of Augustus at Meroë (Kush)
This head of Augustus was found at Meroe, buried in front of the steps of a Kushite temple, possibly dedicated to Victory.