Cézanne, Seurat, Van Gogh, and Gauguin are all Post-Impressionists, though their styles vary widely.
c. 1880 - 1900
Cézanne, Seurat, Van Gogh, and Gauguin are all Post-Impressionists, though their styles vary widely.
c. 1880 - 1900
Post-Impressionism includes artists as diverse as Van Gogh, Cézanne, Gauguin, and Seurat.
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Recent scientific research reveals the stunning original hues of the Van Gogh's Irises.
Behind this iconic painting by Vincent van Gogh is the artist’s inspiring story about healing.
Gauguin and Laval's journey to Martinique is a lesser-known chapter in the history of nineteenth-century French painting.
Gauguin’s paintings of Brittany are, in the end, more fantasies than accurate images of an authentic peasant culture.
The Neo-Impressionists prided themselves on bringing scientific rigor to the hitherto largely intuitive Impressionist project.
Although their subjects suggest carefree pleasure, there are undertones of social criticism in some Neo-Impressionist paintings.
The Neo-Impressionist desire to conform art-making to universal laws of perception, color, and expression echoes throughout Modernism.
Artist Henri Rousseau painted The Dream in 1910, and its imagery of a woman lounging on a sofa in the jungle was as surreal then as it is today.
What should a peasant painting smell like? Van Gogh has an opinion...
These self-portraits were swapped like friendship bracelets among Gauguin, Bernard, and their buddy Van Gogh.
The subject matter of this painting couldn’t be more traditional, but its formal characteristics make it modern.