This international "anti-movement" of radical young artists claimed that virtually anything could be art.
c. 1913 - 1920
This international "anti-movement" of radical young artists claimed that virtually anything could be art.
c. 1913 - 1920
Dada was short-lived and difficult to define, but it continues to have a major impact on art today.
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Nightingales, nightmares, Freud and WWI — Max Ernst and Dada
Exploring how Duchamp's art challenges viewers is essential to understanding his creativity and much of the art of the last century.
What initially might seem like random images is actually Hannah Höch’s comment on Weimar Germany’s culture and politics.
This mask is a rare document of the Dada movement and an embodiment of the so-called “approximate man.”
“Every word that is spoken and sung here says at least one thing: that this humiliating age has not succeeded in winning our respect.”
The purpose of the readymade is fundamentally conceptual. Any objection that the object is not beautiful, or did not require any skill to make, misses the point.
The Dadaists were effective in creating devastating social and political criticism in postwar Germany.
A century before democracy was tested by social media gone rogue, Hausmann understood the dark side of technology.
Though Picabia borrows from the popular machine aesthetic, nothing about his apparatus is functional.