Kohei Nawa, PixCell-Deer#24

“Your perception of reality, your normal expectations of how you view things, is completely confounded.”

How this taxidermy deer covered with crystals changes the way we look at reality


Kohei Nawa, PixCell-Deer#24, 2011, mixed media; taxidermied deer with artificial crystal glass (The Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Title PixCell-Deer#24
Artist(s) Kohei Nawa
Dates 2011
Places Asia / East Asia / Japan
Period, Culture, Style Contemporary
Artwork Type Sculpture / Assemblage
Material Animal hide, Found objects, Plastic

Cite this page as: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, "Kohei Nawa, PixCell-Deer#24," in Smarthistory, August 6, 2021, accessed March 24, 2025, https://smarthistory.org/kohei-nawa-pixcell-deer24/.